How to Create your First App


How to Create your First App: MyLeads

We will first setup a simple Excel worksheet as follows.

·      Create a new excel workbook on your windows pc

·      Create a tab called MyLeads

·      Add columns for all the fields you want
Example Fields: BusinessName, ContactName, Email, Phone, Website, Comments, TypeOfBusiness, DateContacted, DateToFollowup

·      Select the range and format as a Table
(Search for format as Table)

·      Name the Table: MyLeads

·      Save and close the excel workbook

·      Next, visit and login.

·      Click Start with data (under other ways to create an app)

·      Scroll down and click Upload an Excel file

·      Drag and drop in your MyLeads.xlsx file

·      Click on Create app

·      Wait a minute or two for app creation…

·      Skip the Welcome preview for now

·      Click on SAVE (Ctrl+S)

·      Now Click the Play Button to preview (F5)

·      Publish your app (Ctrl+Shift+P)

·      Congratulations, your app is ready.

Contact us if you need help from here with customization.

 Note: Your app can be used on your PC, iPad, iPhone and more and can be shared with other members in your organization if they get a license.

What’s Next:

Add your company logo

Add the current date and time on the header.

Add the name of the currently logged on user.

Re-arrange the columns/fields on the form.

Add a Quit Button

Add more screens for orders perhaps

Learn to use other data sources and connectors

Create related data tables to track other information

Build your own Template Screen and re-use components. You can even build custom components.

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